05. sklearn Code Walkthrough (Optional)

feature importance sklearn code intro

M7L7 07 Sklearn Code Intro Part 1 V3

M7L7 07 Sklearn Code Intro Part 2 V1

M7L7 07 Sklearn Code Intro Part 3 V1

M7L7 07 Sklearn Code Intro Part 4 V1

Gini Impurity code intro

M7L7 08 Gini Intro V1

Gini Impurity Solution

M7L7 09 Gini Solution V1

Node Importance code intro

M7L7 10 Node Importance Intro V1

Node Importance solution

M7L7 11 Node Importance Solution V1

Feature Importance code intro

M7L7 12 Feature Importance Intro V1

Feature Importance solution

M7L7 13 Feature Importance Solution V1


Check out the end of the notebook to think about whether the results make sense.